
  • Michalis Kakkouras
Education, positive attitude and ambition are the most important tools that a person should set as priorities on his life list and seek to master them. Knowledge is wealth and we need to have the wisdom to use the power of that wealth to understand the meaning of our objectives, enrich and elevate our lives and therefore make a difference and place our own mark in the formation of this new evolving world. During the early years of the children, learn and develop mentally, emotionally and socially it is critical for their future success.

However, knowledge and education opportunities are not always easy since not all of the children can follow the standard education system at the same capacity as they are facing some disabilities or difficulties in the learning methods used (10% dyslectic people in UK, 65% visual learners around the world).

Augubook is an Augmented Reality application for smartphones and tablets where the users (children) can read a book and viewing at the same time 3d animated and interaction objects. In this scenario, both the traditional ways of learning are used together with visual ways to help children with learning disabilities comprehend the contents of the book and give a new more fun, effective and enjoyable way of learning.