Automotive Industry: Will It Ever Stop?

  • Miah Elias
Let’s rewind to the times when the movies and films used to show us cars that could probably drive on their own or could fly, or could go at the speed of lightning. Well, mostly the Sci-Fi movies from the 80s or 90s had come up with such creative ideas. Since then, people have been dreaming of such cars until now. Well, flying cars may seem a bit far fetched, but nowadays, we see all those imaginations and creative ideas getting implemented. Who knows, maybe we will get flying cars within a few years.

The automotive industry is going through the biggest upheaval that it ever got. We are seeing newer vehicles coming up with the latest features, whether it be safety features, infotainment features, or simply luxurious features.

The cars have already started shifting to electricity-driven vehicles from gas or oil-driven ones. We believe that it is just a matter of time to get used to driving electric cars, or shall we say letting the car drive itself. Yes, autonomous vehicles are on their way to entering the market.
If we look into the major trends of the future cars, we will see four trends that the industry is working hard to come up with:
  1. Electric Cars: When electric cars were first introduced, the experts specified it's utility only for public transportation. Beating all the odds, electric vehicles are now slowly emerging as a must-have for personal use as well. Moreover, this trend has got more famous because of it being eco-friendly. Using electricity in vehicles reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Autonomous Cars: The industry has started by removing the use of feet and hands while driving a car. Gradually, the use of eyes is also expected to be removed. It is just a matter of time when the driver himself won't be necessary to drive the vehicles. Engineers are working to replace human eyes with a multitude of cameras, sensors, and lasers that will create the exact environment in 3D, resulting in 100% autonomy.
  3. Connected Cars: This trend is the next level to autonomous cars. It is expected the upcoming cars will be connected with objects as well as humans. Even autonomous cars need to exchange multiple information from the outside world, such as traffic, weather conditions, accidents, etc. Connected cars will require various sensors to communicate with not only other vehicles but also with other infrastructures.
  4. A New Manufacturing Method: This trend concerns the industry. Here, all the hardware and software of the cars will be redesigned. The vehicle bodies are shifting to lightweight composite and 3D printing materials. Adding to that, smart devices such as computers, cameras, infotainment centers, etc. are on their way to get added to the future cars. In a nutshell, this trend will lead to a completely new world of vehicle architecture and manufacturing.
Indeed, there is no such thing as 'dream cars.' Because, if you dream today about something, it will be implemented tomorrow. The industry will never stop for sure.