Blau Orgasmic | Product Development & Business Strategy

  • Lali Icn
Client → Organic & Orgasmic
Service → Business Strategy
Duration → 3 months

→ Life Cycle Thinking
→ CJM & Product journey mapping
→ Concept Selection
→ Circular Business Model Canvas

Recent studies conducted by biologists and economists at NCEAS [National Center of Ecological Analysis and Synthesis] forecast that all species of wild seafood will collapse by 2048. Only in Catalonia, more than 20 tonnes of ghost nets [fishing nets set adrift by commercial vessels when they get ripped, lost or simply abandoned] got thrown into the sea during 2017.

1 | The Challenge
How might we design a system that encourages fishermen to bring their nets back to port and inspire other social stakeholders to get involved by creating an impact beyond the environmental realm?
The main objective was to ideate a new product or service within the circular economy: moving from our traditional take-make-dispose economy, to one that has a closed loop, where materials, nutrients, and data are continuously repurposed.
2 | Insights
→ A manual production process involves less material and energetic waste.
→ A local production not only would reduce the product’s ecological footprint, but will be one of the core elements of the communication strategy.
3 | The Final Product
The product integrates two pieces: a net which enables carrying a refillable bottle, and, a plastic cap – both produced with discarded fishing nets. Nonetheless, these two accessorises not only enable extending the lifecycle of this material but also generate awareness around oceans pollution.
Throughout it’s production journey the product will only travel 2km from where the discarded material is collected to it’s selling point – enabling a manufacturing process with a minimal footprint.
Blau Orgasmic is designed as a limited edition for La Festival [a wine shop located in Gràcia – Barcelona] known for having a sustainable business model based on selling a branded reusable bottle which later on can be refilled.
This project won the Premi Catalunya d’Ecodisseny 2017 [Catalan award for Eco Design 2017] and has been selected as part of the SELECTED Inspiration 2018 [European Inspiration from Bilbao].