Bolota & Chumbrega [Chubby and Cheesy]

  • Camila Gonzatto da Silva
On A very special umbrella, Chubbie’s owners, Ana and Daniel prepare casserole and leave Chubbie’s mouth watering as he’s not allowed to try it. In order to help his friend who is only allowed to eat dog food, the street cat Cheesy invites him and the hamster Von Von to go on an adventure: to travel to a farm to try the best carter rice. To go there, Cheesy gets in the house an umbrella that magically flies them when opened by the cat and the dog together. The three of them overfly the city until they get to their destination, where they make new friends and discover new things. Festivals: 9° Mostra de Cinema Infantil de Florianópolis; Festival Audiovisual do Mercosul - FAM; Festival Locomotiva 2010; Curtamazônia – Mostra paralela; Animamundi – Mostra AnimaTV; Mostra Livre de Animação Contemporânea; Mostra CineBH; Festival Internacional de Curtas de BH; Chicago International Children’s Film Festival; 6th annual Los Angeles International Children’s Film Festival; 6to Festival de Cinema Latinoamericano e do Caribe CINEMAISSÍ/CINEMAISSITO 2010; FICI 2010 Madrid Prize: Special prize – Children Jury (9° Mostra de Cinema Infantil de Florianópolis)