Bombay Bicycle Club - Luna

We were asked by talented director Anna Ginsberg to assist with the sound design on the new Bombay Bicycle Club single video ‘Luna’.

The video needed accurate location sound to bring the viewer in and out of the track and the magical world created by Anna and her team.
Swimming pools and similar spaces create some unique problems when recording audio, as we found out. Sound recordist Stephen Rowlatt did a great job gathering a nice collection of sounds on the 1 day shoot. When we started working with the material though, it became apparent that layering up location audio was not going to be possible. With such a reverberant space, all the fans and equipment noise became amplified and layering these sounds together made the issue worse.

We therefor took the decision to use some the pool ambience sounds recorded by Stephen and then either create all the additional sounds or use recordings from our extensive sound library which were able to be recorded in far more controlled conditions.