• Tiago Aguiart

Bucolic melancholic is a state of spirit. It is the design of a child uncertain of the time; the memory of a bigger being convinced there’s no more time than the time he had left; it is staring and staying. LOVE IS FRAGILE AND TRANSPARENT, HARMFUL AND RARE - a man is a man and a man cannot forgive himself for being in love with another man. LOVE IS STRONG AND SOLID, INNOCUOUS AND LOUD - a man is a boy and a boy can forgive a man for being in love with another man. Here, the pair lives around a bucolic ambience - a thick and rude body with a light and thin soul - fighting their own minds, trying to understand what life should be lived. Bucolic melancholic is about understanding what should be righteous when nothing seems to be appropriate. Photography by Tiago Aguiar, Styling by Diogo Lopes Lima, Hair by Fábio Valente, MakeUp by Cat Pinto With the Assistance of Mariana Sousa Magalhães and starring Diogo Romeu and André Santos