• Leigh Walderman
The model introduction shoot is originally inspired by Rene Magritte’s The Treachery of Images (1928). The picture shows a pipe, with “ceci n’est pas une pipe” written below it. The statement is interpreted to mean that the painting itself is not a pipe - merely an image of a pipe. It embraces a similar irony to the name of our show, DONT WALK. Subsequently, the shoot was titled ‘Ceci N’est Pas Moi’ - dedicating itself to one of the wittiest and most thought-provoking artists in the traditional landscape of surrealism.

At first glance a spectator may believe the model(s) are simply holding a painting. But with further observation of the images the spectator may take notice of the fact that the models are simply holding a mirror, and the object in the mirrors reflection varies per model. It is in part inspired by the illusionistic qualities of Magritte’s artwork; it also draws inspiration from Marcel Duchamp’s “Readymades”. Duchamp gives himself wholly to randomness of chance, creating unexpected works of art that could not have been made according to rules, but only organically. His “readymades” - found objects, are presented art art, rupturing the link between art and the artist’s controlled decision making. The randomness of his “readymades” questions the very notion of art and the adoration of art itself.