CECI non-national reserve / ceramic studio inside LLCC, Design Biennale, St-Étienne

  • Jo Vávra
Non-national Reserve has a trial meaning; it’s a functioning ceramic studio within the exhibition, a self-healing reserve and a home to Mudmenschen*.
A place to disappear. Through working with clay, talking to the animals and absorbing the soughing surroundings visitors enhance their innate knowledge and feeling of the unity with the Universe.
*Mudmenschen are two humanoid creatures found on earth by the hunters in a Tuscan forest in 2014. Since than travelling the world to fulfil their mission – to connect with the aliens through building the source out of mud. Escaping human interactions, they see animals as their link to the cosmic entity. CECI Foundation captured endangered Mudmenschen and gave them refuge in LLCC, to protect them from terror and help them fulfil their destiny.
Many thanks to Futomania for providing the exhibition with handmade futons.

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    CECI Foundation