Chela Honey — Visual Identity and Packaging

  • Vura Applied Design
Honey manufacturer approached Maji in need of a name and packaging for his honey products. The request was to create a solution that will look good but not too different from expected when it comes to honey. Since most of the honey packagings have a bee on them, Maji decided to take the same approach with a twist. Since this delicious product is joint work of many bees, the idea was to create a graphic element that is a sum of little squares that form a bee. Naturally, we applied this language to every communication. When it came to the naming, a decision was easy — since we used the most obvious motive to start everything, why not use it in the name. Croatian word for a bee - pčela - was shortened into ‘čela, the version that is quite commonly used. Out of it, a logo was created. The next step was to put various types of honey into a system to differentiate them, and a colour system was the best choice — besides a description and a declaration, every jar is the same in every element but in colour. Pure honey sorts are designed in a single colour system, and flavoured ones are bicolour.