Coca Cola

  • karian weijers
Suffragettes, feminists, zoot women, girl power, pussy rioters… women in every decade have come together and taken a stand. Today, strong women are less about standing against something and more about standing for something. What if that something could be an empowering new movement made possible by a soft drink?

Tired of being taken too lightly, Diet Coke was repositioning around a new core creative idea, "Boldness Brings Rewards" – epitomised in the remake of their "gardener" TVC (in which some sassy ladies dare to roll a can of soda to a muscly man with a mower, and are rewarded with a vision of his naked pecs when a fountain of fizz forces him to rip off his shirt). They rolled us the challenge to put the idea into orbit and dared us to show 'em what we got.

The idea of rewards is easy; boldness, less so. There are many types of bold behaviour – and while they're easy to point out in others, they're hard to see in ourselves. One woman’s ‘brave’ is another’s ‘breezy’, but either way, a little encouragement is all we need to get us doing more of the same. Simply put, boldness breeds boldness. To empower people to enjoy the rewards of living life on their own terms, we just needed to get them to #makethefirstmove.

Our own first step was to get women to recognise and identify with different types of everyday boldness. Using the cans to carry our message, we simultaneously got them to identify boldness with the brand.
Whether your bold style was the prophesy of the vending machine or hand-picked by you or a friend, you could be inspired by examples on a digital hub that would kick off with videobites and vox pops from bold role models.