Conversion of 0.5 as a fraction : Decimal to Fraction

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Converting 0.5 as a fraction is easy, if you are familiar with the mathematical concepts of decimal and fraction. Mathematical operations : Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division are the base to solve any arithmetic equation. If you are good at Multiplication and Division, then you can understand equations related to decimal and fraction.

Converting 0.5 as a fraction is easy, if you are familiar with the mathematical concepts of decimal and fraction. Mathematical operations : Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division are the base to solve any arithmetic equation. If you are good at Multiplication and Division, then you can understand equations related to decimal and fraction.
Concept of Half
0.5 as a fraction represents Half parts of a whole. When you divide an object in two equal parts, they become halves of each other. Both halves complete each other together.
For example, cut a biscuit in two equals parts, now you got two pieces and both piece represents a value : ½
Portion 1 : ½
Portion 2 : ½
We can represent Halves by using numerous ways such as :
  • Cutting the object in two equal portions.
  • Drawing a shape and then colouring or shading the half potion.
  • Using pie chart to represent the half value,
  • Using the number line to show the place value of half.
  • Graph charts can be used to represent halves.
  • You can find an object or body and divide it in half with scale or thread.
  • Always divide the portions which are equal in mass and length.
  • Never divide the object just by its surface level or only one portion.

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