Coucher de Fenêtre/De-fenestrated (Poetry Collection FR/EN)

  • Ibrahim Cisse
The project started off in my native tongue, French. During the writing process I was tempted by the challenges that another language and its codification would bring to my work.
With the invaluable support of a talented poetess, now a close friend, I have given birth to an english adaptation, with respect to the language’s rhythm and wordplay.
The collection traces the depth of emotions while being lost in translation. It was written in the state of the ‘Unbearable Lightness of Being’ depicted by Milan Kundera. My own imprinted narration was divided by the notion of the possible, where anxiety is both cultivated and rejected.
‘Defenestrated’ or ‘Coucher de fenêtre’ are not literal translations, and so are not to be understood literally. A common ground can, after all, be ventured and proposed to end my introduction.
This double publication marked the begining of 'Lost in Time Publishing' a new venture that I founded in April 2017.
To support the project I fundraised through a crowdfunding campaign for which I realised a 4min 3D animation (After Effect).