Could you get through a day in London without spending a penny?

  • Jo Lee

This is a video project that I worked on with Great British Magazine, a start-up digital mag for international students in the UK. The theme of the video is 'Buy Nothing Day', a "holiday" that encourages everyone to take a break from consumerism. It falls on Black Friday in the UK every year. In the video, we challenged ourselves to spend a day without spending any money, even on food, and we were successful. I worked on this project with the student featured in the video. I was the director, videographer and editor of this video. I pitched the video idea to the magazine, drew the storyboard and researched where we could get free food and enjoy free activities. I was fully responsible for shooting the video, post-editing as well as scriptwriting. To finish off I optimised the SEO for the video and it was shared all across Great British Mag's social platforms.