Craftwines — Brand Identity

  • Florian Kowatz
Craftwines is a small charming shop in the 6th district of Vienna. From the outside one might think that it’s a rather nondescript wine store, as soon as you enter the store it’s a completely different story. The owners of the shop are two charming ladies who deliver a clear message to their customers: 
Wine from a fresh angle
The shop offers curated Austrian organic wines. Each bottle comes with its very own special story. When you buy a bottle you are going to purchase the wine's story as much as the bottle. The brand core message „Wine from a fresh angle“ dares customers to leave the aristocratic well established rules of wine. Craftwines wants wine to be a daily companion. This means that you create your own rules for wine. Just sit in the grass with your sneakers, grab a glass, and try and taste. If it’s a hot summer day, why not cool a red wine, and have it with BBQed fish? Rules don’t apply because each wine has its own personality.


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    KR8 bureau