Danser i Tågen

  • Henrietta Jenkins

Danser i Tågen, translated in Danish as‘ dancing in the mist’, is a mythological focused concept that I have created by investigating Scandinavian historical folklore and fairytales. My curiosity towards fantasy and an alternative universe drove me to research mythical characters and the typical themes they are linked to. I have explored these themes by photographing a range of subject matters; using narrative-driven documentary-style ideas, exploring with models in the role, object symbolism and various timeless landscape locations interpret these tales and myths in my own style. This project explores various playful genres while using a twist of gritty aesthetics to produce multi-layered imagery. I emphasise these concepts by using technological techniques and methods influenced by particular primary-based research, alongside historical practitioners’ aesthetics. These romanticised Scandinavian folktales have been focused within English landscapes for me to be able to fabricate the stories. Fortunately, I am surrounded by a wide variety of timeless locations, all of which have visual links to fairytale and folklore from which I have discovered from my investigations; forests, streams and rocky terrain. Focusing on Scandinavian regions in particular for this project is due to Scandinavia having strong popular folklore culture and tales containing fluidity, that is consistently being retold and recreated.