Degree Project; City Swarms

  • Johanna Mott
'The M25 cuts through the landscape, a road to nowhere that continuously circles around London, resembling the boundary of an island for swarms of city dwellers.

'To swarm', is to move on mass; increased human swarming and finite land resources present a real challenge in contemporary times. Navigating between the territories of our online and offline movement in order to identify how one might enrich the other. Online, we access micro- and macroscopic perspectives via a simple click whilst escaping our physical location. We traverse the Internet in first class, whilst offline we usually journey for necessity disregarding any chance of serendipity in favour of efficiency. During this type of journeying, it is not uncommon to reject ones physical location by tapping away at screens or resting one's eyes.

Infrastructure steadily evolves around us, predicted ahead of demand before being rolled out (faster transport, more direct routes). Through personal and/or environmental engagement, "City Swarm" proposes to transform routine "journeying" into a more enjoyable kind of travel, one possessed of its own intrinsic value - one that is more than a means to an end. In the context of routine, physical objects and experiences can be as pleasurable and immersive as the digital applications so widely seen on public transport. Central to the project is the idea that cities can be explored and enjoyed without sacrificing productivity.'