Dopludo Collective

Founded in St. Petersburg “Dopludo Collective” is a small bureau of multi-disciplinary creatives shared between Egor Kraft, Lesha Galkin and Karina Eybatova who mainly live and work between Central Europe and Russia. Together they work on the projects that smooth the borders between illustration, object design, installation, interior design as well as public projects worldwide.
Egor Kraft is an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist who works in a wide range of visual dis­ciplines. He de­scribes his method with a term «transterri­to­r­ial», which is explained by Ed­gor’s search for an outstand­ing solu­tions in­dwelling at the bor­der ar­eas, such as art & design, mu­sic or fash­ion, cul­ture & sci­ence, me­dia & activism, interven­tion & semi­otics.
Eibatova Karina is an illustrator and fine-artist born in Leningrad, Russia, and currently based in Vienna, Austria. Karina specialises in drawing, illustration, murals, video, calligraphy and typography. Her portfolio reveals a versatile artist equally adept at colourful surrealist explorations as well as more traditional approaches. She has been published in various international books and magazines and has collaborated with several musicians for video and album-cover projects.
Lesha Galkin is a product designer and illustrator from St Petersburg, Russia. Lesha studied Environment Design and Architecture at SPbGUTD University, and has since built up an impressive portfolio of artwork, innovative design and global clients.