eCRM 'Streamlining Workflows'

  • Jane Hauldren MA RCA
Working with our strong brand guidelines and consistent image style to work cohesively with our email headlines, click-through rates on the Premier Inn website increased by 35%.​​​​​​​
The weekly customer email programme is the backbone of Premier Inn’s marketing. A weakness in the process can impact on timings and the quality of the output which, in turn, could potentially undermine results (hotel bookings). So, implementing an efficient design working process was vital.​​​​​​​
Over a series of weeks, every part of the process was recorded and mapped – from the initial briefing right through to concept and design development. Extensive data gathering enabled us to highlight inefficient working practices.
The information helped us to refine our approach leading to the development of a new, speedier workflow system for email activity. At the same time, a broad suite of design templates incorporating responsive modules was created to speed up the process even further still.
The new process has freed up time to concentrate on concept development without compromising on turnaround – resulting in more efficient 18% increase in revenue and a 21.5% increase in engagement.