En realidad...

  • Luis Manuel Gómez Abajo
The access to information is a fundamental element for people to conform their vision of reality. It conditions our opinion, affects our way to understand the world and notably influences our learning and the experience of our circumstance.

It is, therefore, inevitable to think about the ways of control that social powers make on this flow of information towards the rest of the individuals. Concealment, censorship, manipulation are different ways of shaping society's response against power, anticipate its action and minimize its effects. Our attitude against it is crucial in this process: to assume it or to question it.

The exhibition "En realidad..." presents different art projects focused on these subjects to awake and invite the aduience to reflect about them With the works of Sebastián Almazán, Carlos Gavras, Luis Manuel Gómez Abajo, Irene Mohedano and Javier Rodríguez Lozano.