Ephemeral Perfection

  • Ester Vilaplana
This project starts with the shape of a circle. A circle is perfect. A circle is endless. But, is perfection endless?
The circle has been related to perfection by many illustrious writers and artists from different periods. Aristotle wrote that the circle was “the perfect, first, most beautiful form.” Cicero wrote that the most distinctive form were the circle, in plane figures, and the sphere, in solids. It also evokes the idea of something endless. You do not know where it starts or ends, it is an infinite cycle.
Perfection is an idea that we chase but it is really difficult to achieve. And even if we are close to it, it does not stay forever, it has an end. In this project the topic is this decadence and ephemerality of something almost perfect. Lots of fruits have circular shapes and if you sliced them they follow a simetric pattern inside. Having them as a metaphore of this decadent perfection, I decided to make this visual piece.