
  • Bea Hannay-Young
Emmanuel College hosts an annuaul end-of-year bash to celebrate students' graduation and finishing exams, and 2016 was no different. The theme - Eureka - chose to explore the history of human ingenuinity in a night-long celebration of the power of humanity's most brightest ideas.
The night was host to over 5000 revelers, who were treated to an unlimited supply of food, drink, music, and entertainment over the course of seven hours.
Pulling a ball together is no mean feat - it requires heavy logistical work, and a lot of forward planning; preperations for the June event begin in the previous October. During my time on the committee I was responsibile for the provision of food and drink, balancing a £30,000 budget to resource and provide an endless, varied cornucopia for the thousands of party-goers.