Every cheap television film ever

  • Ulises Izquierdo

Short story based on all the TV movies they usually screen after lunch

The water is running down the streets, carrying all kinds of trash with it and filling every hole in the pavement, forming puddles of mud. There are not any trees left in the surroundings, and only a few cars have withstood the ruthless flow of the sea that has swallowed the once peaceful neighbourhood.A group of people are sobbing near what they might have called their homes before they had been swept away by the destructive waves. Tony can’t hear their voices.They are just too far away for him, who is standing in the middle of the street. He’s looking at the remaining parts of what used to be his house, covered in dirt and wearing torn clothes, trying to clarify his emotion.He had left the house early in the morning to go to an interview he had in the city, not even imagining he would return to this now destroyed moor.He doesn’t even know how he feels, or how he is supposed to deal with this situation. He could consider himself lucky just for being alive, but a great deal of emotions pile up somewhere between his chest and his stomach.Sadness overtakes him in the most painful way he could have possibly imagined; nobody had told Tony that feelings could physically hurt as much as a direct punch to the jaw.He thought what Rocky Balboa would do in his situation. Recover as soon as possible, he tought. That’s what life is made of in Rocky’s world. You get hit amd beaten but never knocked out. You simply don’t accept losing and stand up over and over again.Why would God allow this to happen? Why would God actually make this happen?Who knows. Who cares.

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