Experimental Space | UX & Interior Design

  • Lali Icn
Service → Private owner
Service → UX & Interior Design  
Duration → 6 months
Team members → 3

We are currently living in a historical moment of accelerated urbanisation. In 2015, the UN predicted that by 2050, 70% of the world’s population will live in cities [in 1950 the number was 30%]. Therefore the private individual living space will be drastically diminish and all stakeholders related to the housing industry will be found in constant research of innovative and smart ways of living.

1 | The Challenge
How might we transform 50m² into a dynamic living space providing structural and spacial balance running away from a “boxed-in” experience?
2 | Insights
→ Substance & style can be introduced in a small space by using the same material and designing customised furniture.
→ Minimalism and enhanced functionality should be determined by a relevance selection of every-day needs (of a specific persona) and not by offering a large variety of fold-down features. [e.g.: hidden beds, tables…]
→ All rooms should have a unique functionality. However, this insight doesn’t justify the generation of multiple small divided spaces, but it’s relevant when designing the space used as a bedroom in which the activities should be limited to sleep & sex.
3 | The Home
We’ve eliminated one wall in order to leave 3 functional areas: livingroom [64% of the total surface designated to extrovert activities], quietroom and restroom [the remaining 36% fully focused on relaxation and introspection]. The interiors have been created by combining IKEA modules or modular furniture altogether with customised pieces made out of play wood. 
This flat served as an initial prototype. The insights and solutions implemented will be also translated to 5 more other homes [in the same building] – sharing a very similar structure.