• Kathryn Lawes
I was approached by the company EYAI (Enhancing Young Adults Independence) with regards to re-designing the logo and artwork for the company. The idea behind EYAI is to work with young adults from difficult backgrounds who lack confidence, practical experience, training and qualifications to support them gain work. EYAI is giving them work experience within small local companies working alongside local and Government organisations. The idea behind the logo was to be based around a recycling logo. I chose this as a focus as EYAI is about regenerating lives, so it would represent the cycle of taking someone and giving them a fresh start and watching them become something amazing. To do this i created a simple diamond shape using four rectangles, the colour started of faded, and becomes bolder to represent the enhancement of their lives. This i feel, although simple, created overall a brilliant design that represents the company well. Click here to view the EYAI Facebook page, or click here to view the twitter page.