Forever Heritage

  • Trinidad Davanzo
Our grandmother´s clothes as a precious element
Long time ago was all about quality and long-lasting products therefore people could be recognized for certain elements because you were able to see that person wearing or using the same product over and over [Repetition brings recognition]. Now-a-days fast fashion came to monopolize society and the sense of identification went off. What we´ve gained in terms of a more fluid societal structure and in freedom of choice, we appear to have lost in terms of identity. Driven by distance from our hometown and the style and love for our grandmothers we want to bring them back and portray the concept of Recognition to show how valuable identification can be and how life and capitalism made well kept clothing elements a precious object. All this shown in a contemporary and punctilious way clarifying that we, as granddaughters, are the ones who feel this way.
Meet –> Olivia + Isabel + Elsa

Photo | Pipi Auchástegui
Set Design | Trinidad Davanzo