Gelée de Coings (Quince Jelly)

  • Eva Scherly
This ongoing project focusses on the changeability and performativity of material and experimented with ephemeral three-dimensional structures created with plaster and textile that with time shift from one state to another. My interest in creating these three-dimensional ephemeral sculptures is to suggest the notion of an open work with a life of its own, and a duration spanning out of my control. I use sound to accompany each structure. In this project's case, the sound is a recording of the work being created, therefore the viewer can instantly be immersed in an environment of dripping, water, plaster, waves of liquid eachoing around these static structures. I use sound in order to toy with the uncanny and explore movement and stillness in this process-based work. I create these structures for the viewer to immerse themselves within them, to be confused by the fact that they seemingly 'defy' gravity, and to touch on the audience's senses through sound, tactility and vision.