German Wings

  • Jen Slade
  • Emma Critchfield
German Wings became a very well known airline for all the wrong reasons. In 2015 the co-pilot of the flight took over the plane and set it to crash, killing all on board. Despite the outstanding safety records planes and flying have, it has dented the trust between the airline and their passengers. We have come up with a plan to restore the trust again and provide something no other air line offers. An in-flight app that allows you to get to know you cabin crew and pilots a little better. A profile page will have all the information you need to know about the man who is flying your plane, from his age to experience to his recent drug and alcohol tests. GoPro will be in partnership with this app so will provide the pilot with a camera for him to do short home videos so the passengers can see him doing 'normal' things. Another video will include behind the scenes cockpit views so you can see what's going on during your flight. Another part of the app will be top picks for entertainment so your crew and pilot have pre selected their favourite films and music for you to enjoy. The last part is crew recommendations, because they fly to the destinations frequently it will provide their recommendations for local places to eat or drink, the best car rentals, hospitals etc. All restoring the trust back.