Going Home

  • Nick Gale
The hallway marched on like two mirrors together
The colours all matched with bulbs lighter than feathers
But why did they have to choose menial beige?
They could have picked anything but chose to engage the most boring colour on the spectrum.
The carpets were filthy, and the doors remained closed.
Rose coloured walls matched Dave’s dirty clothes
He didn’t know why he now found himself here
But interest soon exchanged his primary fear
Dave’s stress dispersed and he just felt the need
To talk to these strangers, and exit with speed
Here comes the new guy, I guess we should greet
My name is Dave; it’s very nice to meet
So what did you do in the bright herebefore?
I worked in accounting, but behind closed doors.
What do you mean? Said Dave’s only friend
Crime syndicates’ profits, the books I amend
And what about you? Said Dave to his host
We were drone operators known as aerial ghosts
The man bowed his head, concealing his shame.
But Dave smiled at John, and John did the same.
Beep…. Beep…Beep
The pair strolled along the creaking old pier,
It had been shrouded in darkness for continuous years
Twilight once had an ethereal glow
But with day repetition comes resentment that grows.
The eyes must adjust to the cruel yellow murk
The fog spreads the cobbles in a pareidolian smirk
What’s the name of this place? Dave soon asked the question
Limbo is our base, where there’s no love or possessions.
John showed his home like a personal guide
Whilst Dave got to grips with the feeling inside
They toured the city like optimistic explorers
But it soon became clear this was a world built on borders.
Everyone here had spent time in the grey
Stuck in the gap between joy and dismay
Who is to blame down assembly lines?
When each person feels that their part is benign.
Beep… Beep… Beep
Prayers filled the room whilst everyone waited
It seemed strange to Dave, who was spiritually naked
Stuck in a maze with millions of gods
Praying to one on superfluous odds.
Helplessness plagued the mythical space
Whilst humans saluted more biblical waste.
He soon grew tired of his determined new fate
He wanted to leave, so he searched for a gate.
There’s only one way to go, but it’s out of your hands
You’ll find it hard to adjust, but you’ll soon understand
So everyone’s waiting for their time to come?
Just like your world, we have nowhere to run.
High voltage currents surged through David’s chest
No bail can be set for this kind of arrest
Dave tried to focus despite all the pain
But was forced on the carriage of the afterlife train
John earnestly smiled at his retiring friend
While Dave tried to fight his bodies transcend
Dense bouts of nausea that surrounded his brain
You can’t fight the outcome of nature’s campaign
Into the white and away from the noise
Dave whispered softly whilst lying destroyed.

We live life in a void,
Behind cognitive bars
Then depart like a firework,
And get lost in the stars
