Graphic Recording - "Empower a girl, transform a community" by Kakenya Ntaiya for TedTalk

  • Javier Navarro

As part of my graphic recording practice I am now working on a series of relevant case studies. Graphic recording supports companies and organisations in communicating ideas & messages visually, generating a narrative that enhances mind shifting and unfolds a common language that brings clarity to complex systems, procedures and working practices. Dr. Kakenya Ntaiya is the founder and president of Kakenya's Dream, an international nonprofit organisation leveraging education to empower girls, end harmful traditional practices and transform communities in rural Kenya. In her November 2018 TedTalk, she shared her project where her dream of getting an education into a movement to empower vulnerable girls and bring an end to harmful traditional practices in Kenya has become a reality. "When you empower a girl, you transform a community," Ntaiya says.