Hidden Place Comic Book (based on Björk's song)

  • Sara Szabo
This Comic Book is based on Björk's song called Hidden Place, but it is not simply just an illustration of the track. I was in Iceland in 2013. I have spent only 1 week there, but it was enough to fall in love with that place.
I am amazed by its wild and untached nature, because of it's extraordinary textures, colours, shapes. It is so different from what i saw thru my life.
I always loved nature, when i was a kid, i wanted to be a biologist who is searching for new insects..
But nowadays it is changed, because i realised nature is really a calming thing to me, not just a beautiful and interesting something. When i was in Iceland i felt so calm. I felt calm is around and inside me too.
I wanted to show this calmness somehow. Amd i wanted to show it in a big work, not just in one or two drawings..
I decided to use Björk's song because this song means so much to me, and of course because Björk is from Iceland, and she is in love with Iceland too.
I wanted to use the whole lyrics for this song, but not just show it as writings in "comic bubbles" next to characters. I wanted to build the letters and words into the drawings. So the lyrics become inseparable from the pictures.
The comic has only one main character, and it is me. I tought it have to be me because this whole comic book is all me, really. My toughts, my fears, my connection with nature. Like i wanted to show that i think nature and man-made things have many things in common. Similiar textures like the buildings window's and cell systems or the vein's structures + tree's boughs and roads..
And at the end of the book i wanted to show calmness for me is in nature. In my plants next to my window, and how they grow slowly. In the mountains of Iceland. In the grass where i can lay down.
And it can be everywhere. Because when i diving into my toughts, i find it there, even if i am in a big crowd somewhere. And it is rising in my head accidently like a lava comes out from the vulcano.
This was a really big work for me. Because it is a deep thing, and because it was a long period work, and i am not used to work this much on my drawings.
And this is a big experimet too, because i never made a comic book before, and i wanted to draw and compose it differently from the mainstream.