• noelia lozano

HUNGRY JACK´S the Australian Burger king commisioned us to create some papercrafts animated sets for their tumblr and some other social media as Facebook and instagram inside their Brain freeze campaing showcashing their summer frozen flavors as Coca-cola, Fanta orange, Fanta mango, Fanta creaming soda, Sprite and lots of color and pops!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ CONCEPTS, SKECTHES & STORYBOARDS The idea was to create colorfull animated papercrafts sets mixing with 2D cell and vectorial animation, where the frozen beverage will be the hero and protagonist. We design and develop 7 diferent concepts in relationship with brain freeze campaing: -BRAINFREEZOMETER -ROCKET COKE -THE TROPICAL POOL -THE TROPICAL BLAST -THE BRAIN HYPNOTIZE -TROPICAL ISLAND -SUCK UP FREEZE