International Women's Day 2017: 150 Creative Leaders

By asking 15 creative icons to nominate ten amazing women from their fields and beyond, we wanted to build a mothership of creative inspiration- with the fitting launch being on International Women's Day.

Born out of a genuine passion to make the creative industries more open and diverse, founder Pip launched the platform in 2014. In order to keep up momentum and driving the force behind an inclusive industry, The Dots put together projects to expose the trailblazers and inspire tomorrow's Makers, Fixers, Doers and Dreamers...
A more diverse workplace leads to better outcomes and this project was full of the vivacious, female energy shifting and shaping today's and tomorrow's creative horizon.
The project featured across The Dots and gained a real positive buzz across the social platforms of the nominations and the icons. To accompany the project we published the article below.

Check out the project and meet the 150 Female Creative Leaders of 2017 here.

Stay updated with 2018's 200 Women Redefining the Creative Industry here.