ISTD: Operation Garbo

  • Ryan MISTD
The project ‘Eye Witness’ is explored through the accounts of Juan Pujol, a double-agent during World War II. The actions of the Germans in 1939 prompted Pujol to respond to the impending invasion. Working to undermine the German forces, Pujol became a spy for MI6 and Garbo became his pseudonym. As part of his work for MI6 Garbo also became a German spy, known as Arabel. Arabel fabricated information using the Baedeker travel guide and created an elaborate imagined network of twenty six spies, in order too impede German plans. Garbo was a disembodied voice; never physically present he would purposefully relay information via modes of communication, which could be readily intercepted by the Germans.
The visual language builds out of a narrative of subterfuge, confused exchanges and misreporting. It is intended to build in intensity as Garbo becomes more embroiled in the deception of his duplicity, throughout the screening. The reference is made to relevant modes of communication within that time period, the typing of telegrams, radio transmissions, sonar readings, etc. Radio recordings, which refer to actual events constructed by Garbo, have been used as part of the sound-track. These recordings have been combined with music and sound affects, which are designed to weave together with the layers of the on-screen motion.