JPL Atelier - The Alliance Collection

  • Paweł Achtelik
  • Pedro Pontoni
  • Marco Beyermann
  • Annie Bundfuss

JPL Atelier announced the launch of The Alliance Collection in line with women’s equality day 2020. Collaborating with five extraordinary charities that are close to the brands heart. 30% of proceeds go towards their work to make gender equality a reality in every way.

Celebrating all women, everywhere, The Alliance Collection mirrors JPL Atelier’s standalone mission to embody the empowerment of women alongside responsible and sustainable design practices. Our most recent step in our brand’s journey is philanthropy and we are proud to introduce to you our newest collection of organic cotton t-shirts. They not only embody the empowerment of women through their design and sustainable production, but their main focus is to support five UK-based charities that are close to our hearts.
We have carefully chosen these charities that represent the 5 pillars of our brand which are are the empowerment of women, sustainable practices, ethical local production, animal welfare, and biotechnology. With each sale of the shirts we will donate 30% to that t-shirt's charity. We pledge to work alongside charities and organisations like these, build long relationships with them, and hope to grow both our business and philanthropic duties successfully side by side.