Klofno Books // Aboriginal Dreamtime stories told without words.

  • Nicoleta Faina

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2019 - Australia

Aboriginal dreamtime stories told without words.

Klofno Books is a collection of three interactive wooden books that continue the pattern through which aboriginal dreamtime stories were passed down the generations, but through a new channel: using haptic, visual and interactive elements. The reader takes on their own interpretation of these myths.
The artefacts contain no text. Each book engages a tale about a prominent celestial body (the Moon, Stars and Sun) offering different sensory experiences.
200x200mm , Wood Planks
#1 : Interactive Pieces + Slide up Front Cover.
Front - Moon / Back - Plane
#2 : Interactive Light + Fold-out Pages.
Front - Pleiades / Back - Orion's Belt and Sword
#3 : Interactive Sound.
Front - Plane / Back - Sun

#1 - The Moon

Bahloo the Moon and the Daens K. Langloh Parker - read/listen here.
Keywords: One moon, 3 Snakes (death adder, black snake, tiger snake), 12 Aborigine, One Creek, Plank, Stone, Death.

Interactive Moving Parts :

  • moon and its three halos (each with a snake) rotating and sliding up from the cover frame
  • the plank "floating" in the creek
The moon sliding up represents the start of the tale. Thus, the story continues while the moon is above and present at all times.

#2 - The Stars

Where the Frost Comes From K. Langloh Parker - read here.
Keywords: 7 Meamei Sisters; Icicles; The Berai-Berai boys; Bees; Wurrunnah; Pleiades; Orion's Sword and Belt; Venus; Corroborees Dance; Septum; Ice; Rain.

Interactive Lights :

  • 1 (Front Cover) - Pleiades (Reverse Proximity Sensor*)
  • 2 (Panel's Back) - Fire and 2 captive Meamei Sisters (Reverse Proximity Sensor - fade flickering lights)
  • 3 (Panel's Back) - Pleiades (Reverse Proximity Sensor - twinkle flickering lights)
  • 4 (Panel's Back) - Orion's Sword and Belt (Reverse Proximity Sensor - heartbeat flickering lights)
  • 7 (Back Cover) - Orion's Sword and Belt (Reverse Proximity Sensor)

Fold-Up Panels :

  • 5 (Panel's Front) - Corroborees & Pleaides' Snow
  • 6 (Panel's Front) - Snow & Pleiades' Rain
* Reverse Proximity Sensor - Default: LEDs ON / Motion, Proximity, Light: LEDs OFF

#3 - The Sun

How the Sun was Made K. Langloh Parker - read here.
Keywords: Emu; Brolga; Egg (Yolk); Heap of Firewood; Spirits; Morning Star; Laughing Jackass; Sun.

Interactive Sound :

Back Cover - Laughing Jackass (Light Sensor in the bird's eye - triggers the sound when the page is viewed)

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(This project is an outgrowth of

"The Book as an Object".)