
  • Måns Murmark
  • Jack Ladow

Korfball is a sport founded in Holland. It sport was first played in 1901. The core values of Korfball lies with its important ruleset which states that there must be an equal amount of women and men on the court at the same time. This makes the sport very unique, and some may argue that it it is the worlds most equal and gender diverse sport.

Problem: The main challenge for Korfball is its awareness issue. Few people know about the sport and those who do considers it weird. We want to change this. Its visual language as of right now is close to non- existent. The controlling bodies of Korfball use varieties of different designs and language which makes the sport look generic and hard to distinguish itself. The sport has all of the components that it should have to see its success in 2019. It’s open, diverse, doesn’t cost much, and, is more focused on strategy rather than focused on individuals' pure physique.
Insight: Korfball is Dutch. And being Dutch means many things. The Dutch people are notoriously famous for their diverse and contemporary thinking, this mixed with their utilitarian thinking makes the Dutch a unique nation. They have always used what they have around them to overcome obstacles. They are constantly named as one of the most progressive countries in the world. All of these values fit right into the dutch sport Korfball. It’s diverse, contemporary and originally very utilitarian, using actual baskets for the baskets (Korf) that the ball would go in.
Solution: After the aforementioned challenges and insight, the project commenced and a strategy and concept were created. These were purely based on our insight and research and they lead to a ruleset for the concept. We want to create something meaningful for old as new players of Korfball, making it attractive for everyone. We want to focus on using our surroundings instead of creating a completely new infrastructure. Korfball is for everyone and works especially well for corporations that need to focus on team-building.