Kosmosonic Konglomerate with Musical Blockchain - World's First artificalive act with fully AI (Computer) composed Music Set.

  • Gleb Divov

"Kosmosonic Konglomerate with Musical Blockchain" is a world's first artificialive multimedia touring act playing own fully AI-composed/generated audio-visual material and combining generative music and art with video art projections, light+FX to create unique experience for an audience, showcasing next level of a Computer-Human Creative collaboration. We started a new series of Multimedia Live Shows, with a fresh music show program consisting only of a tracks fully composed by a unique AI computer composer, new fractals set (inspired by music), videoart and fx. Hour-long performance, filmed live available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhpg0VUF7ps With this kind of shows (and - bigger, with more production, projections, fx, dancers, etc) we're planning few global tour dates already. Interested? Email: king@musicalblockchain.com