
  • Sophia Lim
Background: Due to the lack of the playground or unsafe facilities, children cannot find well-designed playgrounds. Thus, currently several projects are on going to offer the place for play, but it is less effective due to limited budget.
London’s exploding population is on the brink of hitting an all-time high, more than three quarters of a century. Londoners feel there is not enough space.

1. Kids need the playground!
2. How can we provide the playground in London that lacks place?
3. How can we use the space more effectively?

Idea: We come up with the idea of the Movable Playground for kids who need a place for outdoor activities and to solve the lack of the space to construct playgrounds in London.
We designed an identity of the movable
playground. We defined it with flexible identity to give more creativity, fun, and inspiration to kids, reflecting the feature of the movable playground.