La Féline Mescaline - Falco Benz

  • Max Italiaander

An animated music video made together with Illustrator Victor Moatti.

Taking place on a warm mystical tropical planet, where a lone feline character journeys through the jungle in search of love.

Vimeo Staff Pick November 2016.

Direction/Animation: MAXMANA
Artwork: Victro Moatti
Production Company: Circus Family
Prdoucer: Marieke Konijn
Animation: Michel Wijdemans, Edwin Haverkamp, Hein Lagerweij, Kars van Geenen, Ruben van Esterik, Simon Groot Kormelink
Music: Falco Benz & Agnès Aokky
Label: Magnetron Music
Duration: 04:39
Year: 2016