Limits of Body, Infinite Spaces

  • Laura Marques
Limits of places, infinite bodies. Limits of body, infinite spaces. There is something about the skin between nature and body that makes the world turn. Aroused by perception, through longing and desire, space?body become whole, separated. Sensuality and materiality bond and part in the desiring grasp of the space, fitting and clashing in between differences and likenesses, making body and place infinite in their finality. Huge in their insignificance, insignificant in their immensity.
"Limits of Body, Infinite Spaces" is composed of a large format photograph printed directly to glass, held standing by approximately 4.400 sandstone cubes. The photograph was made in Hastings, UK, in a rocky, seaside cliff constituted mainly of sandstone. The sandstone rocks, in its turn, were sourced from a UK based paving company that provided the outsourced, man-barely-shaped sandstone cubes to the installation. A large example of yet another souvenir, a small sample of yet another desiring material explored and changed towards construction, just another subject under the human willingness to shape and control (its) nature.