London Design Festival 2024: Guerrilla Exhibition <0&1>

✨ London Design Festival 2024: Guerrilla Exhibition ✨ I am honored to announce the debut of my first digital video installation, <0&1: Redefining Human Creativity in Digital Innovation>, which I had the privilege of overseeing and curating at the London Design Festival 2024. This installation represents an important milestone for Deepsee Digital Creative, where we explore the intricate relationship between human creativity and rapidly advancing technology. Using Generative AI, the work invites viewers to reflect on how creativity and technology can harmonize to create meaningful experiences. � Venue: St. Ethelburga's Bedouin Tent, Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG � Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM � Date: Sun. Sep. 21. 2024 Set in this historic space rebuilt after being destroyed during World War II the installation embodies a moment where tradition meets innovation. The concept of <0&1> emerged as part of my journey in Service Design, where I have been reflecting deeply on how to bridge the gap between technology and human experience. As I witnessed the astonishing progress of AI in just a few years, I began to ponder how human creativity should adapt and evolve alongside these breakthroughs. This installation is an experimental exploration of those very thoughts and concerns. In collaboration with talented professionals from Jakarta and Germany, this project was developed entirely remotely, illustrating how digital technologies enable new forms of collaboration across boundaries. I humbly invite you to experience this guerrilla event and share in a moment of contemplation about the role of technology in our ever-changing world. For more information, feel free to reach out: