• Noemi Liotta
The following paper is an analysis on standard subtitling and amateur subtitling (fansub) about AV file, taking as specific case studies the analysis of TV series and in particular of Lost, the 2004 US’ series broadcasted on ABC channel. This tv-show has largely contributed to the widespread of the Italian fan-subtitling phenomenon. Starting with a brief overview of the history of translation, I moved to the naissance of the cinema and the audio in movies, designing a concept map about translation inside the audio-visual landscape and the various fields of research, eventually coming to separately analyze the various forms of AV translation, including dubbing, subtitling and voice-over, the many hybrid forms and new trends following the rise of internet and the technological revolution. Then, the attention is completely focused on the analysis of standard subtitles and fans’ translation. The focus switch on how subtitles come to life, mostly on how the fansubbing phenomenon developed through times and all the phenomena attached to it. Moreover we talk about the “Lost-gate”, its television broadcasting and its internet distribution. In the end we took a specific look inside subtitles’ analysis, making a comparison between the interlingual subtitles in Lost’s DVD and the amateurs’ translation took bySubsfactory, one of the best Italian fansubbing website for ten years now, with an analysis of particular cases and how these have been translated from both sides. Specifically we distinguished linguistic and cultural problems of various kinds, in order to compare the quality and level of domestication and foregnization adopted. The ultimate goal of this paper is to see if there is a gap between subtitles and fansubbing, and how this affects the translation and the viewer's experience. 

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