"Love's construction engineer's" logo

  • Ville Vatola

"Love's construction engineer's" logo combines love with being a messenger of love. The website is still in the teaser phase, but something unique will be launched soon.

”Sinä maalaat muistoin, minä sanoin.
Siveltimemme on herkkä ja totuudenmukainen, kauneus läsnä sielumme värejä kantaen.
Taulusi kulmassa on ehkä aukko minunkin piirtää, jotain Rakkautta Sinunkin sydämesi pintaan.”
Poem is in Finnish only


“Love’s construction engineer’s” (Rakkauden rakennusinsinööri in Finnish) logo combines love with being a messenger of love. The website is still in the teaser phase, but something unique is expected to launch soon. The company logo is associated with the registered trademark logo in a manner that may be considered as part of the logo. R like love… or a registered trademark.
A good company logo is always beautiful in its own way, and in this case also soothing and reinforcing the message of the author and enterpreneur.
Kimmo’s website will be launched during spring 2020. The temporary landing page and logo can be viewed at rakkaudenrakentaja.fi