MA project: 'tac-tiles' - a tactile wayfinding system

  • Manon Jayet
I first started my MA with a particular interest in floor-based life. In addition to that, the way that people make use of a space in order to find their way, is incredibly intriguing to me. As I have discovered through primary research, visual cues can play a big role in all of that, especially in big cities such as London. Unfortunately, due to some encounters I had, it has come to my attention that people with sight loss, unfortunately, cannot benefit from most kinds of visual cues. Which is why the floor is often one of the only things they can rely on, as it is something with which they are in constant physical contact with. Hence, I started looking into the controversial, but most of all, interesting matter which is haptic paving; which uses the floor as a wayfinding tool for visually impaired individuals.