• Jemima Bellamy
Migraines are commonly misunderstood and disregarded as ‘just a bad headache’, often considered to be magically cured with the pop of a pill or by being in a dark room. The often overwhelming and debilitating feelings of migraines are something that is only ever felt by the sufferer. My work aims to bring to the surface the otherwise invisible issues of migraines analysing both relief and induce. Documented through daily drawings to record the daily ins and outs of such a condition through a personal lens producing visual representations that challenges the physical and visual parameters to both aggravate and alleviate the migraine. Through thorough experimentation into material qualities and aesthetics I have produced a range of jewellery that evokes these feelings onto the wearer. The collections look to either offer alternative methods of relief or induce migraine like feelings to gain greater understanding and empathy towards the migraine condition.