music video

  • Natasha Zünd
The creation of techno music was, amongst other things, a way to escape reality and let your body fully embrace a frequency or beat. The music doesn’t dictate a specific dance style so it allows a greater sensation of freedom while dancing. The video captures that feeling of freedom, dreaming of a different life and the urge to escape. It also incorporates the topic of age, our perception of it and the struggle some face of accepting a certain stage in life.
When we’re young we aim to be older and strive for more experience, whilst on the other hand, some people of a certain age desperately seek to get their youth back.
The video portrays a game between ages and the battle some face with getting older and seemingly going crazy by trying to be someone else.
By dancing alone but also somehow together we forget about age and let ourself truly be in the moment. Conversations about age and different stages in life will be part of the video and will dominate the intro.
An element that strongly represents Nico and Caro is their love for sweets which will also play a role in the video and symbolise the youth factor through out the video.
In contrast to that, objects like hourglasses will symbolise the topic of age and getting older and also feature in the video.
Overall it’s a quirky, cool and urban dance video that questions age but also represents Nico and Caro’s eternal youth and
