• Anya Cinnamon Machin

In the desolate vast Yorkshire landscape, Off the Record follows the journey of emotions that arise from being stalked. Focusing on a personal perspective, aiming to make the audience on edge, alike there being followed, watched, themselves being stalked. This dark, poetic, short film takes us into the darkness and out the other end, showing how to take back your life, blossoming in your own darkness and finding a medium for your own pain and anxiety. Off the Record desires to show the trials and tribulations of stalking, allowing us to express how we feel, lost in the unthinkable, it’s now time to eliminate his power, to jeopardize his online persona and to take away the mask. This film can stand as a contrast, a fresh outlook on stalking, typically with these types of films we see fast close up, in your face shots yet this film takes a step back, becoming observational, subverting common expectations, an opportunity to begin subverting and playing with the regular conventions that laid in front of me and experimenting with them.