
  • Lena Morris
Olent, meaning scented, is a re-design of fragrance interaction. The ceramic, scent infused necklace carries fragrance away from the skin to sustain perfume and retain the clarity of the perfume.

Each perfume is constructed by composing an intricate balance of different notes. The top notes, typically sweeter, are detected instantly but fade fastest. Whereas Base notes take longer to develop. When the perfume is worn directly on the skin, perspiration and movement disrupts composition. Additionally, fragrances do not sit on the skin long enough for a full range of base notes to emerge.

My initial research indicates that perfume, when applied to hair or clothes lasts longer compared with being worn directly on the skin. Further investigations showed that ceramics absorb scent without disrupting the harmonious composition. Additionally the ceramic held the scent for over one week. The spectrum of scent notes are diffused from the unglazed ceramic.

Smell is an abstract, invisible and wearable sculpture independently open to interpretation. For some, perfume creates an olfactory distance between two people. Wearing a fragrance immerses the person, creating an invisible barrier between the individual and outside stimulation. For others, it becomes a subconscious insight into the personality of the wearer.