Oud Zeer

  • Danique Jaspers
Oud Zeer is a short film made by 6 students of Maastricht Academy of Media Design and Technology.
Lena is an old woman who has led a very nice life. Since the death of her husband, friends and family she is living a lonely life. She's satisfied and wants to end it, her way. Soon she figures out it's not as easy as it seems.
Old age and death are two subjects who are connected to life. Some elderly stay behind and live out all of their family and friends. They're will to live is getting less and they end up feeling lonely. Even when they are still perfectly healthy a majority don't want to live anymore.
The problem about this is that elderly people, don't always have the possibility to do as much as they like in this last fase in their live. Also to end it in a dignified way.
With this short film, we wanted to raise awareness to this often forgotten subject.