Our Daily Thread

  • Natasha Daniels

Our Daily Thread is a digital fashion publication and community for UK women who want their clothes to make them feel good. Combining the know-how of experienced stylists and fashion editors, the ease of shoppable editorial content and the power of data science, our expert team creates content that empowers UK women to feel at home in the fashion world. We're helping them make confident clothing choices, and to find and develop their own personal style - wherever they live and whatever their budget. With 72,000 email subscribers across the UK, fashion fans have been given access to exclusive edits, discounts, events & news for the past year with ODT’s emails. Now, with the launch of the website, ODT expects this number to grow and become even more inclusive as we celebrate affordable fashion in an ethical and positive way. ------ ABOUT ODT Launched in 2017 by fashion journalist Natasha Daniels, in 2018 ODT was selected by the UK’s most prestigious accelerator scheme, Ignite, to land funding to expand across the country. Natasha completed the accelerator scheme while studying for her MBA, and is a true visionary startup founder - appearing on BBC News, ITV News, Radio One, Newsbeat, Stylist magazine and UK Vogue discussing everything from being a female founder, to the socioeconomic issues with fast fashion and the psychological impact of Instagram. She has also recently been longlisted for the Forbes 30 Under 30, and is appearing on a number of women in business and fashion panels in the coming months, as well as releasing her debut book and working on a number of high profile writing projects.